Saturday, August 25, 2007

My blog has moved...

Please check out for my adventures in knitting...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Parisian Tote

We went to Kiawah Island for the weekend. We had such a wonderful time. We were there for 3 days and here's the knitting I took:

1. hubby's socks (I'm working on the foot of the second - yeay!)

2. Monkey socks

3. Sweet Georgia socks (hasn't been started)

4. Mom's hobo bag (hasn't been started)

5. my Harlequin Pill Box (hasn't been started)

Think I over-packed??

I did stay up until 2am the night before we left finishing my Parisian tote so that I could take it with me. Wow - this bag is SO pretty. I love it. I got tagged yesterday by Niki (KnitNik), but I am still working on that post. For now, you get a picture of my new purse.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I got tagged!!

So, 7 interesting tidbits about me. That will be the easy part, the harder part is going to be tagging people since I don't know people who blog (except Niki and the random knit blogs that I read). Well, here's me in a nutshell.

1. I met my husband skydiving. I have around 300 skydives and my husband has over 1000. We haven't made a jump since I got pregnant in '01, but we'll get back to it once the kids are a little older.

2. My husband and I eloped on a beach in Kaua'i. We were on vacation and he proposed spontaneously. He didn't even have a ring. We pulled our wedding together in less than 36 hrs. There was a minister, a witness, a photographer, a videographer and a musician. It was perfect - I wouldn't change it for the world.

3. I have an obsession with lizards. I think they're adorable. How far does my obsession go? There's one on my stomach permanently (yes, a tattoo).

4. I am a horrible procrastinator. It's quite terrible. I should be at the grocery store right now, but I just don't feel like leaving my house.

5. My husband and I have been married since August '01, Bugga was born in May '03 and Jammer was born January '05. We're happy with 2 kids (and a dog named Marley).

6. I love red wine, yankee candles and knitting. I've only begun knitting in the past few months, but I love it. I love to put the kids to bed, grab a glass of wine, my current project and sit on the couch with my husband.

7. I began knitting in January and already have enough sock yarn (and good stuff, too!) to make 21 pairs of socks (not including the partials for Bugga and Jammer socks). I also have plans to go to a new yarn shop while in Ohio!!

Since I know no bloggers, if you happen to read this, 'Tag you're it!', leave a comment where I can find the 7 things about you!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Summer tops for Bugga and Jammer

I have been a little busy since my last post. I finished my dear hubby's first sock and am 3/4 of the way done with the leg part of the second. I'm happy to have the second on the needles, then he won't be stuck with one sock for an eternity. I'll save that picture for when I have the pair. I also finished Jammer's halter top - similar to Bugga's but unique (kinda like sisters are). I haven't weaved in the ends on the ties yet because I'm deciding if they need cute little beads at the end. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and she seems to like it, too. I have also started a pair of Monkey socks on some of the yarn that Niki and I dyed over President's Day. I'm using the red/green and calling it 'Margarita' because it reminds me of regular and strawberry margaritas. I took a trip to Knit Picky today. I have a problem when I'm there. I spend WAY more money than I should. Today, I bought a Parisian Tote kit. The yarns and handles are SO fabulous that I couldn't resist. Happy Mother's Day to me! I also bought a new sock yarn and yarn to make a felted hobo bag for my mom.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Stash Rundown

Here's my current stash rundown (keep in mind I've only been knitting for 4 months or so)...

1.5 skeins of Laines du Nord Cleo - this is reserved for my Chip bag. I've already made 2 and given them away and I think it is such a cute little bag.

5x Malabrigo Worsted Weight - I bought this specifically for my hobo bag. I have ordered more rings or I might buy belts just to steal their rings.

2x Crystal Palace Fjord - I have an idea for this, just need to do a little R&D.

3x Lambs Pride Worsted (mustard color) and 2x Araucania Nature Wool (red-purple color) - this is for my Prism bag.

1.5x Magallenes - Orange and Black - Left from Mamie's bag...I have a couple ideas floating in my head.

1 skein orange and 2 skein green from the heathers collection of Cascade 220 - for my Harlequin Pillbox bag.

3x Classic Elite Bubbles - still dying to make a tank top for Bugga out of this stuff.

2x Cashmerino - 1 word - Fetching

Orange Ribbon Yarn and Green Ribbon Yarn - a tank top for each girl (Bugga & Jammer)

800 yds Purple and Brown Wool - I have a plan for this, but I better check to see how it felts.

Fleece Artist - Curlylocks - Loopy Kid Mohair...I'm happy just looking in my stash and seeing it. Someday it will be a wrap of some sort.

Country Silk - 100 yds - I have a plan for this too. We'll see if the plan comes to fruition. It is SO soft and yummy.

Oh - and enough sock yarn to make 11 pairs of adult socks, though I have yet to finish my first pair of adult socks.

On the lighter side of things, Bugga dressed herself this morning. She decided to wear a teal skirt, the tank top I finished yesterday and the socks that Niki knitted for her. I guess she likes hand knitted clothing. Yeay Bugga!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A tank for Bugga...and the sock continues

We had knit night last night. Since Niki is on her cruise, she wasn't there. It was odd not having her there, but we still had 5 people and a great time knitting. Today I finished Bugga's Boogie Kidlet tank top:

It is nice to have such a willing model. I also ripped out the heel of my hubby's sock and re-did it. This time, I did not magically lose 4 stitches. Everything worked out as it should. Now, I just get to do a whole lot of knitting (size 10.5 foot). Oh, and of course make the second one.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yoda - please come back!

My yoda has left me for the Sea Sock cruise and I already need her. I have managed to complete my first short row heel. However, I counted the stitches and instead of the 88 that I started with, I have 84 - uh oh! I don't know what to do, so I'm not going to do anything yet. Maybe after a glass of wine, a martini or a visit to Knit Picky; I will know what to do. In the mean time, I have started Bugga's kidlet tank. This is a very easy pattern so far - a whole lot of st st, but I love the result. I think it will look very cute on her this summer.I have also noticed the reverse (the purl side) is very cute. Maybe Jammer's coordinating kidlet tank will be the reverse and it will be blue, green and purple.

I have also finished a Chip Bag for Yoda to take on her cruise. I think it came out very cute. This time I used an I-cord so that she can carry it on her shoulder. The lining is beautiful, but the pocket is not so beautiful. The pocket was my first attempt - I promise they'll get better.